The original article promotes a summer camp co-op, but since the kids will be out of school over the Winter Break this idea may just save a few of the Moms out there.
If you are looking for ways to save on childcare and day camp over the holiday, consider forming Holiday Camp Co-op through By creating your own day camp with other parents in your neighborhood, you can be certain that the care will be affordable, trustworthy, and provide unique learning experiences for your child.
Co-ops are formed when a group of parents take turns caring for everyone's children. During the winter break, parents commit to at least one day per week of care. If the co-op is comprised of five families, then one parent from each family is in charge of creating a fun vacation experience for all the kids on just a single day out of the week. This leaves the other parents free to go to work, run errands, or maybe even find some relaxation time during the other four days!
Getting Started
Step 1: Contact the other parents in your area and ask them if they can commit to a single day per week.
Step 2: Logon to and create a co-op. You will be asked to fill in general information about the co-op group and then you can send an e-mail invitation to the other parents.
Step 3: Complete the Co-op Charter - this should contain rules that all the parents are comfortable with and can agree to follow.
Step 4: Consider creating a theme for your Summer Camp Co-op! Pull ideas from what you know - if parents have interesting hobbies or even speak additional languages, teach new skills to your kids through fun activities. Here are some suggestions:
If you . . .
Enjoy crafts: Give the kids construction paper, glue, and glitter and stand back!
Want to be a game show host: Break out the cards, twister, monopoly, etc and have some fun. Put them in your basement or let them take over the family room.
Love to hike or camp: Chart out all of the age-appropriate hiking trails in your area and pack picnic lunches. First aid and wilderness survival skills are great tools for kids to learn.Bundle them up and go.
Cook like Julia Child: If you are a fantastic cook, share your knowledge with the kids! You can easily vary the difficulty level for different ages, and each kid can contribute his or her own dish to an end-of-summer feast.
Are passionate about anything! Share your passions with the kids - you'll have fun, they'll learn something new, and the summer will fly by before you know it.
Step 5: If the Co-op is a success, consider continuing the arrangement after the summer ends as day or after-school care. provides a point tracking system that replaces the exchange of money for care. Get started today! To establish your own do-it-yourself co-op, click here.
If you aren't ready to try this over the holiday, then bookmark the posting and return to in in summer. This idea is a winner.
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